There is a moment when you tell yourself 'It's been enough'. I certainly had that moment in my own life and that's why I'm here today.
If you feel lost, or turned around or you have hit a dead end you won't find your way by continuing to move in circles. It is important that you stop for a second, asses where you are and tune in with your internal world so you can choose your new direction. It is vital that you stop for a moment so that when you start taking action it is in the right direction. My approach is action oriented, as I believe that a good decision without action is just a good thought that doesn't have the power to take you anywhere. The only thing that can really transform your life is 'action'. "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." Viktor Frankl Get in Touch! Don't allow your external world to control your internal world. Let's start creating something meaningful together! |
Did you know that your brain is designed to stress you? Why? Because stress helps your brain react quickly so your body can respond fast enough and accordingly to new situations. Stress is a survival tool! That's why your brain is more attentive to the negative signals than the positive ones and that is why you constantly worry. We could say that looking at the positive side requires training and doesn't come naturally.
The problem is that this 'stress mechanism' can sometimes be out of balance. As a consequence, you react too often, too negatively and too intensively. That means that your responses became conditioned and you probably feel out of control. The good news is that from the studies done by neuroscience we now know that your brain is very plastic and can change to adapt even in your adult life. There are new technics to help your brain to learn to filter your perception in a better way, so you can gain a new perspective, change your responses and in time be back in charge. Get in Touch! |
I challenge you to go to another level energetically, let's conspire together. Are you ready? To stretch out of your comfort you can begin to expand and grow?
You can become more than the obstacles you are experiencing...whatever might be limiting you right now we can begin to discover the energy you need in order to have a better quality of life. What needs to change inside you, so you can have that? I believe that a key attitude in order to start action is to stop looking to change your outside world and begin by looking at what you can do. I can support you to start that process so you can at your own pace begin to change your perspective and change your life experience. Wake up to the new possibilities! |
Changing your mindset and your habits doesn't happen from one day to the next one in most cases. Breaking your patterns takes time, changing the ways you have been thinking for so long takes time. To change also means that you will start thinking and doing something new and you might feel a bit uncomfortable and a bit alarmed at some points. The reason for that is that you are getting into new territory, we are expanding your frontiers.
So it is important to remember that improvement is not about not feeling uncomfortable or afraid. I hope that even though you might feel challenged you have decided to still take your next step. Because there is something which is much more important than fear and that is: owning your reactions, knowing your emotions and learning to enjoy your life. I invite you to commit with yourself and the life you want to create. |